Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Single Story

A single story is an awakening of the necessity of learning. If we don't read to broaden our minds, keep up with the news to know what is going on around us and around the world, listen to others especially our parents about stories and experiences of the past,to our peers to learn about ourselves, and to our young to see what is the future, we could be speaking a single story. We think we know what we are talking about and many times think we know the correct answer to issues and problems only to find we are formulating what we say with a tiny one-sided strand of information. If earlier generations did not realize how much more was around them where are we in the story of a single story.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I see you did go back and post about the single story. I was just teasing you about being behind in your blog posts! :-D
